You read that right, I went ‘postal’ at the Social Security office this morning where they had to call security. I admit it is not one of my better moments, or something I should be proud of; especially since my children witnessed their mommy go insane. And, at the moment of insanity, I also knew that no amount of ranting and raving would produce a new social security card for my daughter. However, I have to admit…I DID FEEL A LOT BETTER!
Here is what happened. I went in to change Hana’s current social security card to reflect her new name change. Now keep in mind, I went in to change her EXISTING social security card. Existing to be defined as ALREADY HAVING ONE; ONE IN EXISTANCE; HAVING POSSESSION OF…you get the idea. Having three previous adopted children, one being international, I have learned to always call ahead when dealing with business involving the government. Thus, I had already called the national social security office to ask exactly what documents I would need to change her social security card to read Hana Rebecca Burris. So, with all the required paperwork and finalized application in hand, I proceeded to drive 45 minutes one-way to get to the social security office the moment the doors opened at 9:00 AM with all four children in tow.
Just as I planned, I am one of the first to be assisted. I handed all my paperwork to the male agent. During this 15 minute silence, he is reviewing the information, typing everything in to the computer and nodding his head in agreement. Thus, things seem to be going well. Finally, he turns to me and asks if I have proof of her citizenship. I told him that she is automatically a citizen when she enters the United States, that her adoption decree and birth certificate and permanent resident card are all the proof required. He continues to tell me that he needs a certificate of citizenship (COC) or U.S. passport. I politely correct him and tell him that I called the National Social Security office to confirm what exactly is needed to change her name and all the documents I have produced are all that is required. I then acknowledge that I was aware that she would be put in the system temporarily as a non-resident until I eventually provide them with a copy of the COC or a passport, but in the meantime, she can still get a social security card.
He then tells me he doesn’t know who I talked to but that I am talking to him now and that he needs a COC or passport. I again, politely, pointed out to him that in his very hand, he is holding her EXISTING social security card that she received from her first family that adopted her and that they were able to get her card without a passport or COC. He abruptly responded that he does not know how she was able to get the card without those documents, but that I need to show proof of citizenship. I told him my son from Thailand has a social security card and I did not have to provide a COC or passport. Again, he told me until I provide those items, she can not have her social security card name updated to reflect her name change.
Now, I’m getting a little steamed. I just dragged my children 45 minutes one-way to be told I can’t get my daughter a new social security card and that I have to spend another 400+ dollars to get a COC or passport, which could take months to get in the mail. I’m steamed because I KNOW what he is telling me in NOT correct, that I confirmed this prior, that he is physically holding her social security card that was obtained without those items. I also proceeded to inform him that I was able to get my son’s card, who also came over on an IR4 visa, without those items.
But, to no avail, he just kept pushing me aside and told me to come back when I have proof of citizenship. I requested he contact his main office to verify if what I or what he was saying was true before pushing me aside since my drive was quite lengthy. He just kept saying he didn’t have time to do that and that I was dealing with him and what he said goes. Okay, so this is where I got LOUD, and I mean very loud. I expressed my disgust for his incompetence, that his lack of knowledge and unwillingness to look in to this issue further was causing a great inconvenience. I then openly expressed to their entire office how tired I am that the right hand never knows what the left is doing among government employees, etc., etc. He kept telling me to move aside, but I stayed my ground and told him exactly what I felt. No, I did not swear, but I was very adamant in my disgust for his lack of service and knowledge. So, this is where security was called. No, they did not escort me out. I think seeing my four children they probably felt I had enough escorts. But, in the end, I am so tired of government agencies hiring people that either have no idea what they are doing, or have a ‘God Complex’ and like to mess with you just because, and/or BOTH! So, what will probably happen is I will return tomorrow, with the same paperwork and pray I get another agent and will eventually get her card updated. Not that I’m advocating murder, but I can seriously understand and, in a way, empathize with people that do go postal at government agency offices.
What was Special Today?
1 week ago
You're right, btw. You didn't need that document. He was incompetent and lazy and didn't want to go through the effort of actually processing your documentation. He pushed it off to someone else. You should file a formal complaint.
Are you sure you aren't telling my story? This sounds SO familiar...except security never came out :) I was getting a brand new ss card, and had ALL the paperwork I had researched I was supposed to have. 35 minutes one way drive. After waiting with my 2 little girls for 30 minutes, and then the guy going through my paperwork for 30 minutes, stopping and staring at me ever time my little Avery cried, he said he needed her passport (even though I had researched heavily on what to bring). I even had given him the certificate of citizenship. I protested, but he stood his ground, and I drove home crying and so frustrated for so many reasons including the fact that you can NEVER call a government office to ask questions. On the way home I vowed that I would never return, and that my husband would have to go deal with it :) But once I got home, I was so determined to finish this, so I got the paperwork (that I shouldn't need) and drove back another 35 minutes one way, right back to the same guy who paused and stared every time my kid cried. After another 30 minutes, I was out of there with the ss card. Why does the government have to be so difficult?
Chris Little here. I suggest printing out the requirements from the government website before going. I do it EVERY time I have to deal with government officials any more. Works for me!
Hugs to Hana. Do you know that Asher STILL prays for her every night? Too cute.
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