Thursday, 7/28/2011, was quite an eventful day for the Burris household. After Phil left for work I walked in to the kitchen and saw MaKayla’s medication sitting on the counter. I picked it up to put it away but did not hear any pills clanking around inside. Sure enough, it was empty. I asked her if she took her last pill and she said, “No Mom, I had about 18 to 20 left!”
“EVERYONE, STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING!” Within seconds, we all scrambled through the house trying to find any trace of her pills. Sure enough, we found five half masticated pills in one of his Thomas the Train building toys. I immediately called Phil, then poison control. Yep, take no chances and take him to the ER. I called Phil back and he was out the door. As soon as Phil arrived at our back door, I handed Brandon and the diaper bag to him, told him poison control already called the ER, and Phil was off.
When he got to the ER the lady at the front desk told him to hold on a minute. When she finally waited on him, he pulled out the medicine vile and said, “My son just swallowed 15 of these pills.” Within seconds he was surrounded by doctors, nurses, ENT and docs in training. He said to himself, “Now that’s more like it!”
For the next eight hours they took blood, gave him an IV and kept a close watch. But boy was he doped up. He kept saying, ‘daddy, daddy, daddy’ and sat in the bed the whole time connecting two magnetic Thomas the Train toys and alternate his wording to include, ‘Percy, Percy, Percy.’ They asked him if that was normal and he said he really didn’t know. So, when he called me I said, “OF COURSE THAT ISN’T NORMAL!” If any of you know my son, he NEVER sits still and repeats the same thing over and over in monotone. It was as if he was displaying autistic behavior. Now don’t get me wrong, Phil was pretty sure his behavior was abnormal, but since I am with him all day he wanted to make sure.
All I wanted to do was run to the hospital to be with my little boy, but Daddy was right by his side and I knew he was in good hands. Finally, in the evening he comes walking in with Brandon and wouldn’t you know, he throws up for the first time the entire day. Nooooo, not right after he takes the pills, not while he is at the hospital, only when he comes to mommy (yes, I know, I opened myself up wide here for numerous jokes and comments). So, that’s two days in a row I deal with vomit from my kids. I was up with him till early the next day as he would NOT fall asleep. He just kept repeating the same words over and over, was VERY monotone and was glued to those two Thomas the Train toys. If you took them away, as far as he was concerned, there would be no existence.
But, I am happy to report that he is back to his old, rascally, over active self today. He did, however, take an extra long nap. When I went to wake him up, he was quite upset that I wasn’t letting him sleep longer. Nonetheless, the little Brandon I know and love is back in his truest form and I can’t be any happier!!
What was Special Today?
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