I can not possibly continue to recount our adoption journey without first introducing you to my husband. Without my husband, there would be no adoption and no Phillip Burris family. It is true that the wife tends to be the one that first seeks out adoption, researches the adoption agencies, fills out all the paperwork, keeps everyone informed by writing the blogs, sending emails, and organizes all the notaries, mailings, phone calls and appointments. However, this does not mean the husband is not fully on board. Yes, he may be behind the scenes, but their contribution is equally important.
Phil is an Army Engineer Officer, currently attached to I-Corp at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Tacoma Washington. I love my husband beyond words and continually thank my Heavenly Father for sending this amazing man in to my life. Phil and I met at the Hill Cumorah Pageant in Palmyra, NY back in 1995, where he was currently stationed at Fort Drum, NY. Six months later we were married and almost 16 years later, still going strong. We both come from large families (seven children in each), and both grew up in an active Latter-Day Saint home. Thus, having a large family has always been our desire. We watched our parents raise seven children and if they could do it, then so can we…RIGHT? Well, ask me in about 10 years and I’ll let you know how we’re doing.
Phil is a loving husband, doting father, LDS church Young Men counselor, ‘HUAH, HUAH’ Army Ranger, current MBA student with R.I.T., and a passionate patriot. He is very fulfilled with what he does and feels he is truly doing what God intended for him to do during his sojourn here on earth, which is to serve in the United States military and be a leader among the best men and women this country has to offer. He is proud of the fact that he is doing what many men are unable, or unwilling to do. He loves his country with a passion and with everyday that goes by, I continue to stand in admiration for his dedication to his God, his family and his country.
At this time I would like to share with you a dream that he had before MaKayla was born. We had already finalized our paperwork for the adoption and in the waiting stage. However, when we completed our paperwork for the adoption, there is a questionnaire that asks what type of child you are willing to accept (race, gender, age, and any special need). When we filled out the paperwork, he felt he was only capable of adopting a healthy infant of our same race.
One night, during the waiting stage, he had a powerful dream. He was in a very large city on a crowded street. The noise was almost deafening with the cars speeding by, and the people were walking in a frenzied state to get to their destination. Phil stood and watched this flurry of people when he started to hear a faint scream. As he listened closer he recognized it was a baby. Of course, when a baby screams instinct takes over and you feel drawn to the helpless child. So, he frantically started on his desperate journey to locate the child. It wasn’t easy fighting the crowds and the raucous. As the baby’s squeals started to get louder, he felt confident he was going in the right direction. Finally, there on the curb of the busy street, right next to the speeding traffic, he saw a bundle. He was struck with horror as he watched hundreds of people walk right past the infant without tending to the child’s needs, or even see if the child was okay. As he got closer to the baby, he noticed people would gaze on the screaming infant for a few seconds, then draw back with disgust and bolt. This mortified him. How could people do this? It was a baby for goodness sake. How could people just abandon a screaming, crying baby?
Upon seeing the people’s repugnant reaction to the child, his desire to get to the baby grew fierce. As soon as he was finally within reach, he swiftly picked up the crying bundle and, at last, gazed upon the newborn. To his amazement, the child was horribly disfigured. He said he could not describe how hideous the baby truly looked. But, to his amazement, as he held the crying baby, and gazed in to the child’s eyes, he fell completely in love with this child. The love for this child became so overpowering, all he wanted to do was to take the child home, care for the child, nurture the child to health and watch him or her grow to their fullest potential. He was able to see past the grotesque figure and all he could see was a beautiful, innocent, helpless child.
That morning, after sharing his dream, he looked at me and said, “I now know that I am capable and willing to take care of just about any child that comes our way. A child is a child no matter what ‘package’ they come in, nor how healthy or unhealthy they may be.” Looking back and seeing the tremendous blessings we have been charged with, I feel the Lord was preparing Phil for his calling of fatherhood. Our children are beautiful, there is no doubt. But, we have a Hispanic daughter with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, a severe deaf, Asian son, an African American girl, and soon to add two Asian children with disabilities of their own; a boy with a severe congenital heart condition and a girl with disfigured ears that is profoundly deaf. Indeed, my husband can love just about any child that comes our way.
Phil is a true family man. There isn’t a place on earth he would rather be than spending time with his family. He makes it VERY clear to his colleagues that come 5:00 PM, unless mandated by his superiors, he is heading home. Everyone knows not to mess with his family time. He adores his children and all children in general. I’ve had women in our church say they love having Phil babysit because he actually interacts and plays with the kids. Yes, he is a big kid at heart, but that is what makes him so endearing.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Phil is truly a man’s man. He is 6’3”, 250 pounds of a lean, muscle machine that is undefeated in hand to hand combat, been to war and back and seen things no one should ever experience, an Army Ranger, and leader of men. But, when it comes to his relationship with his God, family, children; and associates, that is what truly defines him as a man!
What was Special Today?
1 week ago
It's Jason L. from your OBC class. Looking to say hi, I'm retired now- took a TBI in Afghanistan and had some other issues so the Army and I parted ways. Finished my career with a bang, lol.
Hope those M-16 mags I sold you did you some good in Ranger school. Guess you tabbed, congrats.
Would leave you my email address, but this is a public forum... Anyway, if you remember my last name google me with my rank, CPT and theres some pics, newspaper articles, etc. BTW, I am not a sex offender in Pennsylvania, that's another guy, I swear.
You were a good guy and I always did wonder what happened to you. I wish you a good career in the Army and God bless you and your family.
Hi Kathy and Phil it's Celeste. I've been searching for you guys a long time. Kathy I miss our friendship so much there is so much I have to tell you!!1 My email address is cxa62@netzero.net. I am writing you from work computer.
Hi Kathy it's Celeste! What state or country are you guys in this time!!
Celeste, I just now saw this. It's worth a shot. We're in MD
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